CYLAND presents
Featuring Video Shorts by: Jermolaeva Anna, Francesca Fini, Marcantonio Lunardi, Mark Salvatus, Aujik, Rasmus Albertsen, Vassiliev Yuri,
Alena Tereshko, Mauricio Sanhueza, Sandrine Deumier and Alx_P.op., Yannis Kranidiotis, Arya Sukapura Putra, Jean-Michel Rolland,
Eleonore Joulin, Maria Korporal, Liuda Kartoshkina, Emilija Skarnulyte,
Ryo Ikeshiro
Curated by: Victoria Ilyushkina
Dates: January 8, 2015
Venue: Made in NY Media Center
Address: 30 John Street Brooklyn, New York

Francesca Fini — WHITE NOISE, 2013
In 2014, CYBERFEST «The Other Home» VIDEO PROGRAM presents works of artists who call countries around the world (Italy, Indonesia, Japan, Russia, Lithuania, Chile, Austria, Denmark, Philippines, Greece, France, Germany…) their home.
Ranging in length from 1 minute to 13 minutes in length, this screening brings together short video artworks that quantify the notion that physical location, environment and structure of one's house is less definitive in today's world of virtuality.
Artists and work included in this international exploration of «home» include:
Focused on set of bookshelves revealed to be in a semi-demolished house, the moment captured doesn’t provide direct answers to “who”, “what”, “where”, “when” nor “how” but instead probes perception to conjure from clues.
A modernized Parca (goddess of Destiny) and Themis (goddess of Justice) engage in a visual analysis of recorded global history spanning the first half of the 1960’s. Documentary footage of propaganda films, nuclear testing, earth / space races leads into the civil rights movement appealing to the highest aspirations of the human spirit.
Modern medicine completely changed the process and experience of pregnancy/birth. Ultrasound made it routine to see watch inner space. Thanks to modern technology, a sacred and intimate place — a womb — is available for observation.
Animated layers illustrate how the speed of data transmission impacts the financial viability of daily life. The Philippines are one of the biggest exporters of labor force worldwide, driving local economy through transfer of international wages back home — comprising 13.5 % of the country's GDP.
AUJIK member Mana interviews her ADI (Artificial Deep Intelligence) KIIA. Lacking a physical body, KIIA conceives its organs, explaining its limbic system and other brain organs rest on the river bed. The river functions as a nerve system and combines with the unconscious. Made with the support of the Swedish MFA Umea Art Academy.
After a TV set suddenly breaks down, a forest substitutes. Referencing philosopher Ersumra Balteseruz’s only book — space is explored as a concept, an artificial facade to a reality we cannot comprehend.
Two essences of a Russian house collide: snow outside and furnace inside. Making snowballs in a hot house is an allegory of temporal and eternal duality of these extremes.
This performance video portrays the esoteric mission of an individual to have meaning beyond biological function or social expectations. Swaying on a foot, hugging and balancing potentially being both someone´s child and someone´s mother — the artist makes a critical attempt to physically embody a role defined by one´s self.
Throughout centuries, dreams have been interpreted by many cultures as images that speak of the future. In modern times, dreams have been seen as a connection to the unconscious. Based on the myth of Perseus, Calico is looking for the key that will lead him.
A virtual character confronts its unreality, navigating codes and programs on a screen which serves as a border between two words.
Masterpiece paintings decomposed into basic colors, each with its own sonic frequency serve as starting points to soundscapes. About 600 sine wave sound generators recreate the audio image of the painting while we watch the tessera fall apart.
Using video effects in montage, an ordinary picture of the traffic streets transforms into a kaleidoscope – a moving, luminous, abstract, enchanted city of the future.
A composition comprised from train doors, sounds range depend on the chromatic degradation of the picture.
A collage of snippets from videos posted by teenage girls between age 10 and 17 to their public Vlog or YouTube channel. A collection of moments when the girls stepped off-camera, giving the audience view of their private lives for a very short time.
Drawing a parallel between the ancient Judiac legend of “Golem” and contemporary digital technologies – the video explores the importance and imperative concept of memory in the equation of cloning.
Through plastic miniatures by artists of the Butoh theater, this video work juxtaposes the scientific story of the four seasons with the biblical tale of Man to symbolize the balance sought for harmony between man and nature.
Following Aldona on her daily walk to the Gutras Park illuminates past and present. In 1986, Aldona lost vision when her ophthalmic nerves were damaged. It may have been caused by the Chernobyl nuclear power plant explosion.
WSWC was originally made for “Sedition”, a digital art platform. It is a homage to the Russian suprematist Kazimir Malevich. Simple abstract designs fold into a square and stretch into a circle, much like kneading dough. The sound generates the moving image, and the moving image generates sound.
CYBERFEST's annual screening is a part of CYLAND's larger VIDEO ART PROGRAM.
Since its founding in 2007, CYLAND has grown, organized and maintained a Video Archive collection of over 400 video works by 100 artists and 20 art groups from Russia. Works selected from 30 international artists of Germany, Sweden, Belgium, Netherlands, Norway, USA and Austria round out the present, growing collection. The works exemplify the diversity of the medium and includes video art, experimental films, computer graphics, 3D animation, stop motion animation, live footage, poetry videos and documentation of installations, performances or workshops. Programming and exhibitions of works in the archive have screened widely including in Great Britain, France, Brazil, Turkey, America, Germany; throughout Eastern Europe. Developed, engineered, organized and maintained by CYLAND, the online digital video library serves as an unprecedented and unparalleled platform for connecting artists with the public at large. Uploaded by artists for free, videos are viewed for free in browsers. About 150 video works from artists are currently available for online viewing.
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Viktoria Ilyushkina, Video Art Program Curator: «... Technology which provides the luxury of freedom also allows permanence of mundane communications and anonymity change the mindset of one's actions. It is often impossible to delete what lives online. Meanwhile, this new lifeline/timeline accrues as it also becomes less possible to distinguish what is real and what is an illusion. In any case, the real and fake is inside our homes now, virtualizing our reality.» Read Full Curatorial Statement > |